Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Dilemma of a Programming Student: Midterms Week part 1

Choosing a programming course because you like programming doesn't always mean fun.. Because most of the subjects you'll encounter will not even involve programming..

And so here I am, facing my PC trying to understand stuff that doesn't interest me..

But I guess they'll come handy sometime.. I mean.. I'm sure by solving the series of unfortunate events of my life using Taylor's series, I can be enlightened and be able to appreciate life..

I'm not kidding.. Life, like numbers and other mathematical entities, has a pattern :P

Well, I guess that's it for today. I have to go and become a nerd who studies math stuff D:

I'm gonna fail.. I think D:

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  1. postingan yang bagus tentang A Dilemma of a Programming Student: Midterms Week part 1
