Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Past Five Years

I'm not sure if you've noticed but there's a gap of five years between my recent post and the post before it. The only excuse I could give for this gap is: life happened.

I won't go into details what exactly happened. I'm simply thankful that I can blog again.

There are some changes though. I won't be giving ActionScript and Flash tutorials anymore. I know. I know. You might be saying to yourself: "But you never gave any tutorials of sort." Well.. Now I definitely won't :P I loved programming with AS3 and Flash but since most browsers have dropped support for it, there's no point learning it from here on forth. (I might still make games with it though.)

What are the other changes?

I have recently enrolled for postgraduate diploma in Information Technology. I am now currently learning new technologies that I would love to share in this blog:

  • C#
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Continuous Integration/Deployment

and more! I will still continue giving guides for the Project Euler puzzles. I will still share mathematical and computer science concepts. And I will still rant about my programming life.

I hope you will continue to learn with me in this journey!

Poroporoaki! (Oh. Did I mention that I have recently moved to New Zealand? Yes. I'm studying in NZ now.)

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